Turnarounds & Workouts – November 1, 1996
The November 1, 1996 issue of Turnarounds & Workouts
Latest Reports:
- U.S. Trustees ‘ Fees
- Alaska On-Line
- Best Products
Research Report:
- Andover Togs
- FoxMeyer
- Kiwi Airlines
- Plaid Clothing
- County Seat
- 50-Off Stores
Worth Reading:
- Automatic Stay Litigation
- Elsinore Corporation
- Trade Claim Purchasers:
Amroc Investments
Argo Partners
Balfour Investor
Bankers Trust Company
Bankruptcy Creditors’ Service, Inc.
Bear, Stearns & Co., Inc.
Claims Acquisition & Management, Inc.
Halcyon Partnerships
M.J. Whitman & Co.
Next Factors
Newstart Factors
Oppenheimer & Co.
Seidler Amdec Securities, Inc.
Smith Management, Inc.
Vasiliou & Co., Inc.