Turnarounds & Workouts – December 1, 1996
The December 1, 1996 issue of Turnarounds & Workouts
Latest Reports:
- WRT Energy
- Caldor’s Christmas
- Best
Research Report:
- Herman’s
- Today’s Man
- County Seat
- Kiwi
- Rockefeller Center
- Krystal Company
- Eagle-Picher
- Bradlees
Worth Reading:
- The Practitioner’s Guide to Consumer Bankruptcy
Special Report:
- DEP Corporation
- Broker/Dealer Bankruptcy Analysts:
Amroc Securities Corp.
BDS Securities, LLC
Credit Research & Trading
Delaware Bay Company
Lehman Brothers
M.J. Whitman & Co.
Oppenheimer & Co., Inc.
Option Opportunities
Pennsylvania Merchant Group Ltd