Turnarounds & Workouts is a news magazine for corporate restructuring professionals such as bankruptcy attorneys, financial advisers, turnaround managers, investment bankers, distressed investors, claims traders, trustees, academics and business journalists.
Each issue features news articles, “Who’s Who” columns profiling significant bankruptcy cases, resource lists, and special reports on bankruptcy and insolvency professionals, including the annual Top Turnaround Firms and Outstanding Young Restructuring Lawyers.
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Turnarounds & Workouts is published by Beard Group, Inc., serving corporate restructuring professionals since 1987. Beard Group publishes Troubled Company Reporter seven days a week and Troubled Company Prospector every Monday morning. Beard Group also hosts the annual Distressed Investing Conference in Midtown Manhattan and distributes more than 300 book titles at BeardBooks.com related to law and business.
Key Contacts

572 Fernwood Lane
Fairless Hills, PA 19030
Carlo Fernandez
Managing Editor
Christopher Patalinghug
Managing Editor
Peter A. Chapman
Editorial Director
(215) 945-7000
Colin Post
Marketing Director
(240) 629-3300 ext. 100